Tuesday, August 28, 2007

God always there. a paradox

Generally in the Old Testament bible stories, IN THE END God eventually turns up.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Entropy is the dispersal of heat (disorder in a closed system). it's a fundemental law of our universe. No system can maintain order without external input. We need to have input in order to function. Without external input everything dies a silent cold death.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Jesus and Jigga

How does Jay Z and Christianity relate? Eric Dolce explores the issue. "This book demonstrates a better approach that Christians can use to address rap lyrics. Too many Christian leaders and too much Christian media focuses almost exclusively on the negative aspects of Hip-Hop Culture and rap music. Jesus and Jigga does not ignore the anti-Christian messages. No Christian writing about rap lyrics could. What’s different about this book is that it goes on to explore the positive messages also. By examining both sides, I share biblical perspectives that either counter the immoral messages or illustrate truthful messages when found in rap lyrics." Check out his site

Sunday, August 5, 2007

An appropriate faith?

"Conversations about faith are endless, and exemplify Solomon’s conclusion “of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.” After all the logic, rhetoric, and intellectual posturing about “faith,” we remain miserably incomplete. Words and human reason, no matter how spiritual sounding, can only point to the Way."

"At its essence, the bible becomes a roadmap which calls us from a fallen world of polarity and dualism, into a reality of wholeness and unity – free from risings and fallings, light and dark, good and evil. The bible points beyond itself, beyond its sayings and words, to an awe-some Presence.

So what is an appropriate faith? Perhaps it’s simply a perennial reminder for us to “stand in awe of God” – to sit quietly at the foot of the cross: to be taken up by its singular presence and consumed by its singular purpose, unchaining us from endless mental exercises." Thoughts on faith fromMicrolesia


I'm yet to have a solid read through Wikiklesia, but it looks pretty interesting. The Wikiklesia Project is an experiment in on-line collaborative publishing. The format is virtual, self-organizing, participatory - from purpose to publication in just a few weeks.

Supposidly anyone can write a chapter for the Wikiklesia. The first volume, Voices of the Virtual World, is a "collective, chaordic conversation on how emerging technologies are impacting the church."

Abram's call

Genesis 12

Friday, August 3, 2007

Michelangelo's Pieta

The church used to produce art that was admired


I'm going to continue with these rob bell sermons for a while. This one is entitled Do you know how far we are?

I brainstormed some words that are implied by distance.

Absolution of responsibility

feel free to add to the list.

... and the best worship songs CERTAINLY aren't heard in church

Great sermons are not just preached in church

Martin Luther King "I Have a Dream"